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How to delete images in Media

If you’re having error uploading images in the Media, there are two possibilities that might cause such error. Number 1 is, the size of the image is too big. OR number 2, you might have hit the image quantity limit for your Plan. Most of the times, there might be some unused images that you do not need anymore but you overlooked to delete them or do not know how. It is a good idea to do a Spring Cleaning once in a while ;-).

On that note, let’s check your Media folder for such images and learn how to delete them:

Click on ‘Media’.

*click image to enlarge it”

Click on any image that you wish to delete by clicking the ‘red thrash can’ icon.

Ok. Clean up done. Now your ‘house’ is nice and dandy! 🙂

*click image to enlarge it”