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670 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn,
NY 11216

+1 800 966 4564
+1 800 9667 4558

How to add products

After you have successfully set up your Whatsapp Store, you will arrive on this page.

Now, let’s start adding products to your Whatsapp Store:

Click ‘Add One More Product’.

*click image to enlarge it*

*click image to enlarge it*

When you’ve finished setting up your WhatsApp Store and clicked ‘Submit & Next’, you will be brought to this page.

Click the ‘Actions’ button to reveal more options.

*click image to enlarge it*

*click image to enlarge it*

  • If you want to edit it, click ‘Edit’
  • If you want to view it live, click ‘Live’.
  • If you want to disable your store temporarily, click ‘Disable’.
  • If you want to test your store’s QR Code, click ‘Scan’. A QR Code will pop-up for you to do a test scan.

That’s it! Congratulations! Now you just got yourself a new shining MyVKad WhatsApp Store.

So go ahead. Get busy promoting! 😀